Monday, November 24, 2008


"Twilight is a preposterously preprogrammed snoozer that preaches to the fan fiction choir already predisposed to this dross."
Bill Gibron

A must see movie this year... (better check my schedule)
This is a romance story between a vampire & a human (creepy!)

find out more....

(watch the trailer)


ritz said...

yes! i have finished the book! reviews says it was great & success, Congrats to the staff... this is a must see though I dont appreciate it much because its teenage love... hehehehe... what I want to see is how the filmakers were sble to bring the book into life!!!

ritz said...

yes! i have finished the book! reviews says it was great & success, Congrats to the staff... this is a must see though I dont appreciate it much because its teenage love... hehehehe... what I want to see is how the filmakers were sble to bring the book into life!!!

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